Polymorphism in Java Programming Language

Polymorphism in Java

In Java, polymorphism refers to an object’s capacity to take on several identities. To put it another way, polymorphism in Java allows us to do the same action many times. Any Java object that passes more than one IS-A test is termed polymorphic, and all Java objects are polymorphic since they have passed the IS-A …

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Palindrome Program in Java

Palindrome Program in Java

A string can be said to be a palindrome string if the reverse of that string gives the same result as the original. The palindrome program in java checks for the strings and numbers to see if the output is the same as the original input. For string, we can consider an example for the …

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Bubble Sort Program in Java Language

Bubble Sort in Java

Bubble sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that is used in the java language. The main objective of this sorting is a comparison-based algorithm; it compares the pair of any adjacent elements with those elements that are swapped in case if they are not in order. Bubble sort in java is not suitable for any …

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Fibonacci Series in Java Programming Language

Fibonacci Series in Java

If you’ve ever had a programming interview, you were probably aware of the many Java programming interviews that could include some questions like to make a program for the Fibonacci series in java. And that’s why this question could bother many candidates. Also, many people are perplexed by this seemingly basic question. In this article, …

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Armstrong Number In Java Programming Language

Armstrong Number In Java

Armstrong Number In Java is the number that is equal to the sum of all digits to the power of the total number of digits in that number. For example 0, 1, 153, 370, 371, and 407, etc are some of the Armstrong numbers. In number theory, a narcissistic number, an Armstrong number & it …

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